Not Given Lightly

…Of New Zealand’s Alternative Music Scene. Morr Music
presents a 2CD compilation paying tribute to the great,
highly-influential New Zealand indie-pop bands of the 1980s,
whose steadfast DIY aesthetic paved the way internationally
for the future development of all modern indie bands to

CD1 features cover versions of New Zealand’s most beloved
songs from that era by Morr’s best current artists, and CD2
features previously-unreleased tracks that look towards the
future of indie-pop. In New Zealand, the archetype of what was
called indie-pop was established.

Antes de ir à minha vida, deixo uma colectânea muito bem estruturada.
Para quem gosta da cena alternativa em slow motion mas com qualidade.
Tem The Go Find com uma versão dos The Chills! Só por isso...

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