.: When Robots Fall in Love :.


"...But while the story is what will keep you interested as the game moves along, the visuals are what will grab you. Machinarium sports an absolutely stunning art style, with completely hand-drawn characters and backgrounds that are packed with detail and personality. The various robots you encounter are all distinct, as are the various different areas, which makes the idea of exploring that much more enticing. And with the smooth character animations, the game looks, moves, and feels like a top-tier animated movie.The same goes for the soundtrack in the game, which features subtle, ambient music and sound effects that feel very organic... the presentation and story make this a game that's hard not to recommend. This is a world that's just begging to be explored, and one of the finest point-and-click adventures in recent memory."

P.S. Peço desculpa de postar um jogo neste blog de verborreia musical, mas vale a pena para desenferrujar a massa cinzenta :)

1 comment:

Corajoso Camaleão said...

***** coladissimo!