Suave As Hell
Well, Well, Mr. Whale
The music of Smooth ace Hell is a sonorous proliferation of images. An artistic creation that surpasses the conventional manifestations of independent music, melodies able to transfer the merely auditory plane to place to us in one new, multisensorial one. Each song of Smooth ace Hell has a history that to tell, does and it so clearly that it is not difficult to represent in the own mind which somebody had more thought when composing it. Juan explains Pablo, composer, guitarist and vocalista of the band: “There are songs that are specifically cinematographic, like Emily and the mutants, that is a cinematographic story, the history of two personages who lived in 1938 the event of Orson Welles with the radio, is a tribute. We have as reference the photography, the painting, all the graphical art”. Omar, tecladista, add: “Also it is the influence of Jarvis Cocker, his letters have to do much with writing histories, it studied cinema during three years, he is similar the creative process of Juan Pablo”. It is not strange the fact that their songs are so graphical, three from the four members are involved in the cinematographic creation and the visual arts. No of them counted on a musical education in form, but this live contributes to the spontaneous and genuine character of its compositions and presentations. It comments Alpaca, the drummer: “When we are composing we varied the tempo and we it does not like to record with metrónomo. We want something more natual, always we have been very free”.

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